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One Light  ·  Zhineng Qigong  ·  Málaga & Online

Zhineng Qigong


Zhineng Qigong is a system of human development, created by the great master Pang He Ming.
It consists of practice with universal energy for the development of our potential, which in turn allows physical, mental-emotional and spiritual healing.

It is a scientifically based qigong that has a complete system of theories and methods. Known for being one of the most effective healing systems, thanks to it numerous people have transformed their lives at all levels.

The scientific experiments that are carried out reveal the relationship between mind and matter, allowing people to live with more consciousness and freedom. Practice allows us to develop so that together we can contribute to the creation of a world in harmony.

Developing our consciousness


Natural Healing

Developing consciousness


Zhineng Qigong promotes the development of consciousness to recognize our true self and live according to it.

Living from the true self involves a deep understanding of the laws of life, as well as the interconnectivity between everything that exists, and the innate nature of our mind to interact with and influence the whole.


Zhineng Science

Everything in the Universe is
a manifestation of visible or invisible hunyuan Qi

The Hunyuan Entirety Theory is the fundamental theory of Zhineng Qigong Science. It describes how the universe is made up of different levels of Qi, constantly mixing and transforming as a whole.

The original hunyuan Qi is the basis of everything in the universe. The Qi of our human consciousness (Yiyuanti Qi) is the most developed level. Between original hunyuan Qi and yiyuanti there are many different levels of Qi. Different types and levels of Qi can affect each other and also transform each other. Yiyuanti can affect each of those levels.

Dr. Pang detailed “The 3 layers of matter” (Shong, 2003), a hypothesis that has the objective of transforming Qigong into a science, demonstrating the real potential of our consciousness and its influence on everything that exists.

For decades, scientific experiments have been established in Chinese Centers and Universities, where scientists, experts in various fields, and Qigong practitioners have cooperated. In their experiments, they demonstrate how the human mind can have an effect on plants, animals, and the human body, as well as inanimate objects. Experiments have been conducted to kill cancer cells in animals and people, to restore broken bones, and to create heat, electricity, magnetism, and light, among others. Currently, experiments are still being carried out in different Zhineng Qigong Centers in China, as well as in other countries by practitioners around the world.

True Self


Our mind in its pure state and in unity with everything can reflect information from the external world and also reflect itself, that is, realize its true nature. It has infinite potential that is ready to be awakened. The study of theory and practice help us discover it and put it into practice.

The innate abilities of the mind can be used to understand the laws that govern humans and nature and can be used to improve the state in which we live individually and collectively. They are a necessary condition for humans to achieve their true nature, totally free and self-aware, as self-realized beings.

The objective of Zhineng Qigong is to offer the tools to develop a way of thinking and living that offers us freedom, peace and happiness, in harmony with the whole. Practitioners learn to use their consciousness to contribute with their lives to the construction of a harmonious world and the evolution of humanity. This is the highest level in practice.

The methods


Zhineng Qigong contains a number of methods suitable for the general public that are easy to practice and provide immediate benefits. They are suitable for those who want to heal from any health problem, for those who already have good health want to improve it and strengthen the state of their body and mind, and for those who want to develop their consciousness and their potential.

Through practice we progressively advance towards an ever deeper connection with our own nature, transforming body and mind towards a healthier life, and in harmony with everything.


Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down

Peng Qi Guan Ding Fa

It is the first level, and the foundation of the practice of Zhineng Qigong. In this method the connection to the pure Qi of the Universe is practiced. Through practice, we can heal at any level, strengthen the body and develop special abilities.

The combination of opening and closing of the mind and body allows us to open the connections between human Qi and the Qi of the Universe. It is a very effective method to raise our energy, and also develop the ability to send healing to others.


Body Mind Form

Xing Shen Zhuang

It corresponds to the second level. At this level, strengthening the body and becoming aware of it is practiced. Qi reaches further into the body, filling the skin, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, meridians, bones and the entire body, increasing vitality and physical strength, and making the body healthier and stronger.

In addition, it relaxes the body and opens the channels by mobilizing the inner Qi through doors, points and other energy channels, transforming body and mind and developing wisdom and awareness about the laws that govern life.


Five Inner Organs

Wu Yuan Zhuang

They form the third level, and it is focused on healing and emotional balance. Transform the Qi of the internal organs (heart, lungs, kidneys, liver and pancreas), and increase the mind’s ability to control their activity, as well as the emotions that affect the health of each of them.

It is the most complete level and with the most complex content, combining movements, sounds and mudras.

The last three levels belong to the advanced level of the practice:


Middle Channel

Zhong Mai Hunyuan Gong

The fourth level is primarily a middle channel practice, unifying the Qi of the whole body and making it whole.


Middle Line

Zhong Xian Hunyuan Gong

The fifth level practices the Qi of the middle channel to connect the Qi of heaven and earth and form the middle line.


Return to One

Hun Hua Gui Yuan Gong

The sixth level seeks to merge and transform human beings and nature into one, allowing ultimate realization.

Additional methods

Paranormal abilities

  1. Developing the ability to receive information, both from the universal consciousness and from the environment or other people, plants, animals. It serves to develop intuition and be able to live a life more in tune with our true being. It includes “Methods for diagnosis” and the opening of the third eye, which are useful to support other people in their healing and also to gain a deeper understanding of life in seemingly non-visible dimensions.

  2. Developing the ability to send information. Through scientific experiments, the mind-matter relationship is practiced, useful for self-healing and to help other people improve on a physical, mental-emotional and spiritual level. Includes “Methods for treatment” (La Qi, Fa Qi, creation of a Qi field and others).

Sprouts with different information (left love, right neutral)

Transforming normal pins into magnetic pins

Practice for guessing
poker cards

Qigong Healing


Zhineng Qigong was created by Dr. Pang Ming, integrating Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, Martial Arts, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Qigong, and the new insights of Modern Medicine, Science and Philosophy.


Dr. Pang founded the largest Hospital without medicine in China, known as “Huaxia Center”, where only Zhineng Qigong was applied for self-healing, and was attended by thousands of people from all over the country. Today it is the most practiced Qigong in the world, with more than 20 million practitioners globally.


What can be healed practicing Zhineng Qigong?

The practice of Zhineng Qigong can cure any illness, both mental and physical. Diseases cured through Zhineng Qigong, in millions of people around the world, for several decades and to this day, include trauma, functional disorders, organic, metabolic, infectious, common, rare, advanced, chronic, mental diseases , acquired diseases and inherited diseases. Sometimes there can be seemingly incredible healing results: a deaf person regains his hearing, and a cancerous tumor disappears instantly.

Some testimonials of healing with Zhineng Qigong can be found in the following documents:

Zhineng Qigong Treatment For 47.864 Cases

Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic


Xi'an Lintong Zhineng Center, August-October 2018


Xi'an Lintong Zhineng Center, October 2019

101 Miracles of Natural Healing

Book by Luke Chan

How to treat an illness, a pathology, any disharmony following this way?


Healing with Zhineng Qigong counts with a complete system developed independently of Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine. This system has a scientific basis, with its corresponding theories of physiology, pathology and treatment.

Having access to the original energy is having access to the only true medicine

The Hunyuan Entirety Theory, the basis of Zhineng Qigong, explains that any imbalance is a reflection of an alteration in energy, that is, that vital energy does not flow in us in a normal way, caused or by external factors (food, climate, bad positioning of the body), or by our own conscience (mental-emotional alteration).


The healing methods are based on the basic principle of bringing original energy (or Qi) to our body and mind. Learning to bring in original Qi is the first step to healing. The original Qi is the creative source of all existence, and it contains all the energy and information necessary to restore any health problem. To have access to the original energy is to have access to the only true medicine, as the healing will occur at all levels and not only by dissolving the symptoms on a physical level.


When we access Qi, we can direct it with our mind, transforming our body and consciousness from a state of imbalance to a state of health.

Praciticing a self-healing method called La Qi
(gather Qi)

Practice for developing the potential in the youth

Group healing practice to send Qi to some person

What are the keys to achieve a total transformation?

Healing the heart


We live from identification with the body, emotions, and mind, limited in our perception of life and our true nature.

Recognizing the true self, the teacher in each one, is the first step for healing, and the ultimate goal of every challenge that is presented in our life.

Waking up is healing from the root. From there, a new life begins.


Hun Yuan Ling Tong

Use your mind to transform yourself
and your environment
The totality has no limits, no impediments


High-level physicians in ancient times were able to cure emotional problems so that they did not cause physical illness. Today doctors cure diseases without curing the heart. They have set their priorities incorrectly. It is like treating tree problems by focusing on the branches, rather than the roots, or wanting to change the flow of the water without treating the source of the water. It is really vain to want to solve a problem in this way.


Zhu Quan, Yang Sheng Xin Fa


Mind your mind


By learning to use the mind correctly, we can create health. An open mind with positive thinking is our great healing and life tool.

Thoughts are energy, information that materializes. By becoming aware of this reality, and harmonizing our thoughts with the thought of the heart (of the Dao or true being), we can heal our body, and re-write our destiny.


Xin Xiang Shi Cheng
What you think you get


When you produce a thought that is filled with understanding, forgiveness, and compassion, that thought will have a direct healing effect that will affect both your physical and mental health, and that of those around you. If you think a thought that is full of judgment and anger, that thought will directly poison your body and mind and that of those around you.

Thich Nhat Hanh



To achieve significant changes in our health and in our consciousness, constant practice is essential. Return the mind to its natural state, break mental patterns that harm us, connect more deeply with the truth of our being, create a new life, new, healthier relationships. Healing requires our effort. Practice is key to having an effect. Disciplined and constant practice.

Ke ku lian gong

Practice qigong with discipline and effort

Wan mei shen xin

Improves your body and mind

Zao fu ren lei

Bringing benefits for the whole Humanity

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